Post 65 Legionnaire Officials
Office Term: 2024 - 2025
Elected Officers:Jarvis Reddick (602) 268-6059
Commander: Responsible for Post Officers, the programs, and enforcing the by-laws. Coordinates with S.A.L., Auxiliary, and Riders. Communicates with community leaders. Right-click to open the image in the new tab.
Henry Griffin (602) 388-5082
1st Vice Commander: Responsible for all membership aspects (strategy/plan, reports). Knowledgeable of Post Commander duties. Chair of the "Membership" Committee. /files/57MEM0321_Buddy_Check_Toolkit.pdf Contact as a backup S.A.L Commander Dennis Prince for assistance.
Alan (A.P.) Powell
2nd Vice Commander: Responsible for post-activity (entertainment, patriotic observances, being a speaker for meetings, and post-security) and an "I like my post" atmosphere. Chair for the post "Entertainment" Committee.
David Bright
Finance Officer: Responsible for receivables, deposits, budget adhering, and financial records and reports. Chair for the post "Finance" Committee.
Della Reddick Adjutant@TWilliamsPost65.Org
Adjutant: Post administrator responsible for handling post correspondence, maintaining post records, and publishing official announcements and instructions—chair for the "Welcome" Committee. Right-click to open the image in the new tab.
Appointed Positions:
Service Officers: Knowledgeable of post member's rights & benefits, agencies and resources, and Legion channels. /files/Legion_Know_Your_Benefits.pdf /files/04VAR1020-Post-Service-Officer-Guide.pdf
Lorri Conley (623) 910-7081 - Leave a message for a callback.
Louis Ridley
Chaplain: Assists with patriotic observances, funeral services, visiting the sick - hospitals - nursing homes, and dedication ceremonies. /files/Chaplains-Handbook-WEB_0.pdf
Henry Griffin (602) 388-5082
Judge Advocate: Responsible for the orderly conduct of disciplinary procedures. Handles incident reports and retains professional counsel when required. Parliamentary Procedure Booklet - American Legion Flag & Emblem
Andrea Strong (501) 574-1155 /files/TLW_POST_65_INCIDENT_REPORT.docx
Historian: Attends post functions and documents the event with narrative and photos. Compiles and records post records.
Shelia Laws
Sergeant-at-Arms: Set up and preserve order and etiquette during post-meetings—custodian of the post colors.
Larry Haywood
Media Admin & Public Relations: Design, upload, and update the post's web page and digital board content, Protecting the American Legion and Post 65 brand.
Della Reddick (1st Lady)
Elected Executive Board Members:
Ray Brooks, Larry Haywood, Dwayne Muhammad, Antwon Watts
Ron Bolden Fred Hulin Gregory Perry
Antoin Green Sheila Laws Louis Ridley
Richard Guy Denise Miller Andrea Strong
Board of Trustees: Ed Curry, Sam Dennis, Anita Jackson, Byron Webb, Walker Clinton
Executive Board / General meetings are on the second Saturday of each month, starting at 2:00 PM. All those on this page are encouraged to attend in person or via Zoom; the link will be provided whenever necessary.
"For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a 100-percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state, and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and goodwill on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness."