Post 65's members should be aware of all rules within the Post. The Post is subject to federal, state, county, and local regulations and licensing, which may not be within the realm of the American Legion authority. Therefore, the Executive Committee is empowered to establish special rules to comply with these requirements. The Executive Committee shall have the power to formulate and enforce "Rules of Conduct" to maintain good order in Post 65. All rules are subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and a final vote of the General Assembly.
Section 1. Area Definitions:
- The Canteen encompasses the bar (front, back, and patio) and smoke area on the patio.
- The bar is where beverages are sold and served, including the seating around the bar.
Section 2. Canteen and General Information:
Section 2.1. Canteen Hours: Are established, approved by the Executive Committee, and posted. Hours are subject to change to conform with the State of Arizona and Maricopa County Liquor Laws. No one except the Post employees and officers performing official post duties is authorized to remain in the Post after hours.
Section 2.1.1. Federal holidays will follow regular business hours. However, the post's current Commander has the authority and discretion to close or change the post's hours.
Section 2.1.2. The Post will be closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
Section 2.2. Last Call policies will be applied before each day's scheduled closing.
Section 2.2.1. Last Call is 30 minutes before the Canteen or building is scheduled to close.
Section 2.2.2. No beverages of any kind will be served or sold 15 minutes before the Canteen or building is scheduled to close.
Section 2.2.3. During special Post 65's ceremonies, the Post Commander or a designated representative may require the bar to be closed during the ceremonies. In this instance, "Last Call" policies and procedures will be followed, and the bar can be reopened, if time permits, upon the ceremony's completion.
Section 2.3. Early Closing: The Canteen may close early or be closed due to inclement weather or any reason described for the benefit of the Post. The Post Commander makes the decision, and the Post Canteen manager will notify All staff (on-duty and incoming) of the scheduled closure period.
Section 2.4. Post Access/Canteen Area Information: In compliance with federal statute, admission to Post 65 Canteen is restricted to the following:
Section 2.4.1. Members of American Legion Post 65 are Post 65 Legionnaires, SAL Squadron 65, ALR Chapter 65, and the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 65. All Post 65 members are required to carry their current year membership card with them while at the Post. Post staff can request to see the membership card anytime for verification.
Section 2.4.2. Visiting members of other American Legion Posts, SAL Squadrons, American Legion Riders (ALR), and American Legion Auxiliary Units are welcome; however, they may be asked to show a current membership card.
Section 2.4.3. All patrons, including members of the American Legion Post 65, the SAL Squadron 65, the American Legion Riders Chapter 65, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 65, and guests are subject to all Post 65 House Rules and disciplinary procedures.
Section 2.5. Alcohol Control: Alcoholic beverage sales will comply with existing state and county laws.
Section 2.5.1. In compliance with, and in addition to, state and county liquor laws, minors on Post premises are subjected to follow all Post rules and liquor laws.
Section Legally, a minor is anyone under the age of 18. However, no alcoholic beverage will be sold to, served to, or carried by any person under 21 years of age.
Section No Person under 21 years of age will sit at the bar, nor will any person under 21 years of age make purchases of alcoholic beverages.
Section No one under 21 may be in the Post Home without a parent or guardian present and, if so, must leave the Post immediately. Parents or guardians bringing minors into the Post are fully responsible for their conduct and must always remain with them during the visit - no exceptions. The Post Home is a location for all Members and their families. All minors under the age of 21 must be off the premises on or before the hour of 8 pm.
Section 2.5.2. No alcoholic beverage will be brought onto Post 65 property, nor may any alcoholic beverage purchased in the Canteen be removed from the Canteen to include all Post events and outdoor activities.
Section 2.5.3. No alcohol will be removed from Post 65 at any time by members of the Post or the general public. This is a violation of state and county liquor laws. Anyone violating this rule will be asked to leave the premises immediately.
Section 2.5.4. Intoxicated persons shall not be served at the bar. Service will be refused to anyone who appears to have exceeded capacity. When persons under the influence become objectionable, the bartender will try to persuade the person to leave the Post Home. The incident will be reported in writing on an incident report immediately after going off duty. If the offender(s) refuses to leave the premises, the bartender may call for assistance from Post Security and the Phoenix Police for assistance.
Section 2.5.5. Use of or possession of the substance Marijuana is strictly prohibited anywhere on the premises of the Post Home property. To include vape pens or any item that assists the consumption of Marijuana. Violations will be strictly dealt with by immediate removal from the Post Home property.
Section 2.5.6. No one is allowed behind the Post bar except for the scheduled bartenders on duty, the Canteen Manager, and authorized Post Officers. Non-authorized personnel behind the bar during operating hours violate the Arizona State Liquor Law.
Section 2.6. The playing of cards, chess, checkers, dominoes, and all similar games is allowed in the Canteen area, providing it does not include gambling.
Section 2.7. All televisions must be muted when the jukebox is being played. All TV remote control devices must be kept behind the bar. Only the Manager on Duty will have the authority to change any TV or turn on the volume when the jukebox is not being played.
Section 2.7.1. The only time the TV will have precedence over the jukebox is when a significant sporting event is scheduled for that day, including - Super Bowl, World Series, Indy 500, the Daytona 500 race, or any other possibility so ordered by the Post Commander.
Section 2.8. Posting of advertisements and notices for the good of the Legion and the community may be posted at the discretion of the Post Commander, Adjutant, 2nd Vice- Commander, or the Post Canteen Manager. One of the officers above will review the advertisement or notice before posting and determine if it is appropriate and in good taste and where it may be displayed.
Section 2.8.1. Business advertisements for personal gain or non-American Legion political office notices are not permitted.
Section 2.8.2. At no time will flyers be posted in Post 65 home unless approved by the Post Commander or the 2nd Vice-Commander. When approved, they must be given to the Post Commander, 2nd Vice-Commander, Adjutant, and Public Relations Chairperson to post in the assigned areas.
Section 2.8.3. All posted material must be typed or computer-generated and placed on appropriate bulletin boards.
Section 2.9. No raffles, games of chance, or solicitations for funds will be permitted in the Canteen area, which is not the benefit of the Post, Squadron, ALR, or Unit and has previously been approved by the Executive Committee. Solicitations or sales benefiting private clubs or organizations will be permitted if the Executive Committee approves.
Section 2.10. The Post Home will not be decorated for any scheduled event without prior approval (verbal or in writing) from the Post Commander or the 2nd Vice-Commander.
Section 3. Food and Beverages In Canteen.
Section 3.1. Patrons shall not bring any outside beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) shall be brought into the post by patrons.
Section 3.2. Patrons shall not bring outside food (personal or vendor) into the post. Exceptions may be made for "Special Events" with the Commander's approval.
Section 3.2.1. Exceptions to Section 3.2 of food being brought into the post for special events or functions such as potlucks, sports events, funeral gatherings, etc., must be coordinated with the Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, and Kitchen Manager before bringing any food to the Post.
Section 4. Bar, Kitchen, Offices, Meeting Rooms, Storage, and Supply Areas: These areas are for the exclusive use of employees and other authorized personnel. No person will enter these areas unless authorized by qualified personnel. Storage and supply areas will be locked at all times.
Section 4.1. No one will be allowed in the Commander's or canteen manager's office unless authorized by the post Commander, Adjutant, Finance Officer, or Canteen Manager.
Section 1. Definitions:
Section 1.1. Misconduct: Any infraction or violation of the Post 65 House Rules listed herein.
Section 1.1.1. Assault: Any verbal or physical altercation against Post Home members, employees, or guests.
Section 1.1.2. Assault includes kicking, shoving, punching, hitting, or fighting, and any verbal assault, which includes obscenities, foul language and gestures, and defamation of character due to sex, race, political affiliation, or religious beliefs.
Section 1.1.3. Negative Bar Talk: Defined as criticizing the Post, SAL, AUX, or ALR officer or policy to Post members and guests where the conversation is meant to demean the post, person, committee, or organization. It also includes gossip and leaking of information covered by the Privacy Act of 1974 or any Post Home organizations' proprietary information.
Section 1.1.4. Violation of federal, state, county, and local laws on Post 65 property, including liquor laws.
Section 2. No Post Home member, employee, or guest shall physically or verbally assault another person or persons or violate federal, state, Maricopa County, or City of Phoenix, Arizona laws while on Post 65 property.
Section 3. Any misconduct or cause of disorder by any individual or individuals in the Post Home will be reported by the Manager or On-duty Manager to the Executive Committee in writing.
Section 3.1. The Post 65 Canteen Manager, Assistant, or on-duty Manager is authorized to take such measures necessary to maintain order in the Post Home.
Section 4. American Legion functions, rental and special activity participants considered guests of the Legion would be subject to existing house rules and standards of conduct.
Section 5. Members are reminded that the Legion is a non-political, non-sectarian organization, and all political, religious, or personal arguments are prohibited. This does not preclude freedom of speech or orderly discussions of any subject not subversive or contrary to American principles. However, unnecessarily loud or protracted arguments/discussions that annoy others are prohibited.
Section 1. Any violation of the Post 65 House Rules will be reported to the Executive Committee in writing and processed by the Post 65 By-Laws. Violators may be subject to such discipline as the committee may impose, depending on the nature of the violation.
Section 2. The Executive Committee has given the on-duty Manager authority to serve patrons and protect our license to serve alcoholic beverages.
Section 3. The on-duty Manager is responsible for ensuring that all activity followeth House Rules.
Section 4. Violations of the Post 65 House Rules result in immediate suspension of all persons involved until the reported incident is reviewed, presented, and decided on by the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Proper attire, including footwear, is required in the Post Home. Athletic shoes with cleats or clinging tread are expressly forbidden.
Section 2. After 6:00 pm, tube tops, muscle shirts, vests without an underneath shirt, sleeveless shirts, and excessively torn or soiled clothing is not permitted in the Post Home.
Section 2.2. Appropriate tank tops, sundresses, and blouses are allowed. Exposure to inappropriate body parts is prohibited. Security personnel, Canteen employees, Post Commanders, Post Officers, and Legionnaires have complete discretion regarding appropriate attire based on The Good of the Legion.
Section 3. Rules of attire apply to all members and their guests. Enforcement of this rule is not only the responsibility of the on-duty Canteen employees but of all Legionnaires. Noncompliance with specified attire guidelines will result in denial of access and asking to leave the Post 65 Home.
Section 1. These House Rules result from a May 2022 Executive Committee review of House Rules to update memoranda and previous actions. These rules are subject to change as the Executive Committee deems necessary to maintain the high standards and interests of American Legion Incorporated, Travis L. Williams Post Number 65.
Section 2. Effective December 1, 2022, as ratified by the Post 65 General Assembly, at this moment supersedes the previously published House Rules and any or all actions, memoranda or amendments posted.